List of Miles Richardson Films

Solo: A Star Wars Story

Solo: A Star Wars Story


Through a series of daring escapades deep within a dark and dangerous criminal underworld, Han Solo meets his mighty future copilot Chewbacca and encounters the notorious gambler Lando Calrissian.

The Remains of the Day

The Remains of the Day


A rule bound head butler's world of manners and decorum in the household he maintains is tested by the arrival of a housekeeper who falls in love with him in post-WWI Britain. The possibility of romance and his master's cultivation of ties with the Nazi cause challenge his carefully maintained veneer of servitude.

Murder Rooms: Mysteries of the Real Sherlock Holmes

Murder Rooms: Mysteries of the Real Sherlock Holmes season 1


Certain events which had an impact on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, while he was still a medical student under the supervision of Dr. Bell, his teacher and mentor, on whom the character of Sherlock Holmes is partly drawn from.